.. _ref-mechanical: ========== Mechanical ========== .. image:: images/case_exploded.png 3D Printing the Datagoo Case ============================ The files below can be sent to any 3D printing company for fabrication. I would suggest Shapeways, for price. Our first prototype was completed by ZoomRP. Use these links to order your own copy: | **Shapeways Permalinks** | Upper Case: http://shpws.me/4lcv $33.74 | Lower Case: http://shpws.me/4lcx $37.51 | Cover: http://shpws.me/4ldY $6.22 The three files that constitute the case are the Cover, the Lower Body and the Upper Body. The .stl (stereolithography) file is used by most common 3d printing companies. If there are needed changes to the solid files, the original Solidworks files still exist. Please email nhallsny@stanford.edu with any requests. Known Errors ============ No known errors.